- Install External Entities 3.x dev.
Dev release has the latest fixes. - Create a new modules External Entity type.
Storage client settings
Storage client: REST
Endpoint URL:
The main endpoint provides full entities in a list: true
Endpoint URL for a single entity:{id}
Endpoint URL to get the total number of available entities or pages: 41213 (Manually entered from last page number)
Type of total number of items returned: Number of pages
Endpoint data encoding format: JSON

JSONPath leading to the list of entities: $.list.*

Default number of items: 50
Page parameter: page
Page parameter type: Page number

Additional HTTP headers: Accept: application/json

List parameters: type=project_module
Add list parameters to: query string (default)

File mapping settings
Field mapper: Simple
Use Field name for exact matches to json keys.
Use Simple mapping for nested values.
Use Constant to provide the full_html format for formatted text values.