A site I worked on had a mix of langcode und and en in content, paragraphs, and revisions. At some point, something got mismatched and corrupted. I wrote this script to reset everything to en.
* This fixes problems with mismatched langodes in the database
* between nodes/paragraphs/revisions by setting all langcodes to en.
* It loops through all database tables, checks for a langcode column,
* and sets all langcode values in the table to en.
$tables = \Drupal::database()->query("show tables");
foreach ($tables->fetchCol() as $table) {
$columns = \Drupal::database()->query("describe {$table}")->fetchCol();
if (in_array('langcode', $columns)) {
$update = \Drupal::database()->query("update {$table} set langcode = 'en'")->execute();