Tags #Files https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3427640 Related modules Media Entity File Replace Issue module Drupal Module Issues File not marked temporary and usage not updated if only used in past revisions when node is deleted [meta] Use Fibers for concurrency in core Adopt the Revolt event loop for async task orchestration Let GDToolkit support AVIF image format Implement core management of 3rd-party FE libraries Add a native dialog element to eventually deprecate the jQuery UI one [Config] Warning: Entity view display 'node.article.default': Component 'comment' was disabled because its settings depend on removed dependencies. Allow field blocks to display the configuration label when set in Layout Builder Dragging single media thumbnail on edit page causes JavaScript error Themes improperly check renderable arrays when determining visibility [META] Expose Title and other base fields in Manage Display [META] Modernise file upload logic Add an option to 'hide filter tips' on text fields Uploaded files are impossible to replace Add a Title Formatter Add an API for importmaps Optimize render caching Add a tag select list in string Formatter Add an icon management API Display active visibility conditions for blocks on the block layout administration page Provide option to display contextual links on embedded entities Change Standard profile to use Media instead of image fields Compose view mode descriptions Display view option descriptions in the Manage form display and Manage display pages [regression] missing menu active trail since Drupal 9.5.9