Tags #Media #oEmbed https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3061134 Handling responsive embed styles. Issue module Media Related issues Some oEmbed videos do not maintain aspect ratio oEmbed field formatter creates wrong hash when leaving empty dimensions Module Issues Let GDToolkit support AVIF image format Add d8 media migration Provide an optional migration path for sites using files/images to media entities Determine an upgrade path from CKEditor image button to media library oEmbed videos are not fully responsive Some oEmbed videos do not maintain aspect ratio Add ability to insert Media inline in CKEditor widget Allow CKEditor styles for <drupal-media> Dragging single media thumbnail on edit page causes JavaScript error _filter_autop() breaks links around the <drupal-media> tag Changing an existing embedded media's alignment or alt data attributes does not get saved with CKEditor5 Media library allows adding videos from providers other than Youtube/Vimeo using Media embed Provide per-bundle configuration for embeddable view modes Provide API for rerendering drupal-media through drupalElementStyles oEmbed field formatter creates wrong hash when leaving empty dimensions Document how to attachment JavaScript inside the oEmbed iframe Get large thumbnail for Vimeo and Youtube in media oEmbed Expose triggering update of media metadata + thumbnail to end users