Relate content based on common tags.
Show 5 items from each related taxonomy term.
- Create a view listing content.
- Create a block display.
- Add contextual filter for content ID from URL.
- Relate terms in field_tags.
- Relate content referencing terms in field_tags.
- Add fields for tag name (excluded), related content title.
- Group items by tag name.
- Filter block for field_tags delta 0.
- Limit results to 5 items.
- Set block to hide if empty.
Now you have a block that shows 5 items wit the first related tag.
Clone this to create blocks with filters for delta 1 and 2.
Bonus: Reusable layout block
Wrap the blocks in a 3 column grid.
- Enable layout builder per item for custom blocks.
- Create a reusable block in the block library.
- In the block's layout, add the related tag delta blocks.
Bonus: Prefix tags with #
You can prefix the tag in the group header with #.
Rewrite results of the field with #{{ field_tags }}