Set up DNS for Cloudflare Turnstile

When I set up the site, I registered the domain with Name Cheap, and added it to my A2 hosting account.

I just had to add the A2 name servers to Name Cheap.

When I first added the site in Cloudflare, I missed the step to scan DNS settings.

Make sure you click this, and it will copy the DNS records so Cloudflare can route the domain to the server.


Be careful with redirects set up in htaccess.

It seems like the server was redirecting through the cloudflare DNS between www and a bare hostname, causing it to pick up it's own ip addresses.

If you see duplicated A records with multiple IPs, that's probably what happened.


I am going to use full https encryption between cloudflare and the server, since it already has a let's encrypt cert.

But it seems like the default is to not use http unless necessary. Is that recommended for for convenience?

I thought it was best practice to use www instead of a bare hostname. Is that true?

With cloudflare proxying the dns, the host IP can be obfuscated. Not sure what the implications of that are.


I don't know if DNS setup is really necessary for turnstile.
