UnoCSS Starter Theme - Hero

A hero is a large area above the fold, typically an image, video, or call to action.

Start by creating a block type called Hero.

It has a body field by default, add a media field that can reference image, video, and remote video.

Add a hero region to the theme info file.

  hero: Hero

Add the hero region to the page template, inside our above the fold area.

{% embed 'unocss_starter_demo:layout_top' %}
  {% block top %}
    <header role="banner">
      {{ include('unocss_starter_demo:header', {
        branding: page.header,
        secondary_menu: page.secondary_menu,
        primary_menu: page.primary_menu
      }) }}


    {{ page.hero }}

    {{ page.breadcrumb }}
    {{ page.highlighted }}
    {{ }}

  {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}

Clear the cache and create a new hero block in this region. This example uses a youtube video.

UnoCSS Starter Theme hero video too small

It's working, but the hero block display needs to be configured.

The remote video uses oEmbed, and additional libraries are loaded from the media module.

These libraries are attached in different places, but when a youtube video is use as remote video media, both are applied to the embedded iframe.

<iframe class="media-oembed-content">
/* core/oembed.formatter */

.media-oembed-content {
  max-width: 100%;
  border: none;
  background-color: transparent;
/* core/oembed.frame */

iframe {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;

To get the video to fill the area, a little extra css is needed.

.media-oembed-content {
  @apply aspect-video w-full h-auto;

Here it is after configuring and styling.