The CKEditor module allows placing separators and wrappers in the toolbar.
If there are no separators, they are automatically grouped when overflowing.
See the full options here:
You can edit the config file and add dropdown menus using the advanced configuration format.
- undo
- redo
- heading
- style
- alignment
- indent
- outdent
- sourceEditing
- showBlocks
- removeFormat
- bold
- underline
- italic
- '|'
- widgetMenu
- strikethrough
- subscript
- superscript
- '|'
- bulletedList
- numberedList
- link
- insertTable
- horizontalLine
- blockQuote
- label: 'Hello'
icon: false
items: ['code', link] // Define items in the dropdown.
- code
- codeBlock
- drupalMedia
- specialCharacters
- aickeditor
- toolbarGroup