Configure CKEditor Toolbar Dropdown Menus

The CKEditor module allows placing separators and wrappers in the toolbar.

If there are no separators, they are automatically grouped when overflowing.

See the full options here:

You can edit the config file and add dropdown menus using the advanced configuration format.

      - undo
      - redo
      - heading
      - style
      - alignment
      - indent
      - outdent
      - sourceEditing
      - showBlocks
      - removeFormat
      - bold
      - underline
      - italic
      - '|'
      - widgetMenu
      - strikethrough
      - subscript
      - superscript
      - '|'
      - bulletedList
      - numberedList
      - link
      - insertTable
      - horizontalLine
      - blockQuote
      - label: 'Hello'
        icon: false
        items: ['code', link] // Define items in the dropdown.
      - code
      - codeBlock
      - drupalMedia
      - specialCharacters
      - aickeditor
      - toolbarGroup