Entity Display Mode
Field View Mode
Entity Reference Display
These modules achieve the same thing - allow you to choose which
Drupal has several ways to handle images and media.
Drupal navigation interface.
Embedding content from your site within a formatted text field with CKEditor.
Inline images can be used in your content.
Text formats determine the html allowed in your formatted text, and how it will be displayed.
Text formats are a configurable set
How to embed codepens.
Part of UI Suite.
Create components to configure content display in the UI.
Has a component library page.
2.x branch is working on
Create custom content lists.
Provides an entity reference field that includes a view mode selection.
Entity reference field formatter that allows selecting the view mode to display.
Useful for configuring paragraphs or blocks with
Add a field to entities to select a form or view mode to use when editing or displaying the entity.
This may be more useful with
Embed render elements.
Not working with Embed 1.8.
How to add styles dropdown for media in ckeditor.
Drupal media documentation.
Documentation on media embedding in ckeditor.
Documentation on text filters.
Cweagans composer patches documentation.
Run drush commands on multisite installation.
A place to learn Drupal development.
Create a platform for managing business expenses.
A system for establishing and prioritizing your goals, defining clear objectives, and tasks needed to complete them.
An UnoCSS/Vite base theme, based on starterkit.
A simple theme.