Embed iframes in CKEditor. Additional attributes get stripped. Module page https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor_iframe Module tags #Extension Stability Beta Tags #CKEditor 5, #CKEditor 4, #Embedded content Related modules CKEditor5 HTML Embed Media Entity Inline Frame Module issues Additional attributes get stripped #CKEditor 5 [Module] CKEditor 5 [Issue] Add ability to insert Media inline in CKEditor widget [Module] CKEditor 5 Dev [Issue] Supported attribute(s) not showing in CKEditor 5 Source Editing plugin error message [Issue] CKEditor 5 isn't respecting field widgets row settings #CKEditor 4 [Module] CKEditor [Module] CKEditor Templates UI [Module] CKEditor Config [Module] CKEditor Description List [Module] CKEditor iFrame #Embedded content [Module] CKEditor 5 Embedded Content [Module] Simple oEmbed [Resource] DrupalElementStyle: Add styles to drupal-media in CKEditor 5 using only configuration [Module] Embed Block [Project update] TODO: Embedded content