Single Directory Components (SDC)
Single Directory Components are twig templates plus css/js that are loaded together.
Unlike libraries which are just css/js, SDC...
Single Directory Components are twig templates plus css/js that are loaded together.
Unlike libraries which are just css/js, SDC...
Use tokens in SDC display.
Place Single Directory Components as blocks in the block layout or layout builder.
The props and slots in *.component.yml become the block config form.
Render entities, fields, and field groups as components in manage display UI.
This module substitutes adding a template or preprocess that just calls a component.
Provides a way to preprocess variables for SDC Display.
Uses a file format similar to template theme suggestions.
Part of UI Suite.
Create components to configure content display in the UI.
Has a component library page.
Every site needs a header, typically featuring a logo and navigation.
Using SDC for the header makes it easier to swap in pre...
Something is off with the image size and price.
TODO: Create card component.
See core/modules/sdc/src.