

How does migrate update work?

If you use Migrate Tools to start an import with the --update flag, it will update previously imported items.

MigrateToolsCommands provides the migrate drush commands.

The import() function instantiates and calls executeMigration().

If the update flag is set, it will check if --idlist is also set and if not, call $migration->getIdMap->prepareUpdate().

The default plugin, Sql, uses database tables to store the migration map and messages.


Self referential migration lookup default title

If you have a content type that references other items of the same type, the referenced items may not be available when the parent is migrated. Drupal migrations can create stubbed entities for these items using the Migration Lookup process plugin. If your migration has a migration lookup that references itself, it can create a stub and migrate the remaining content when it reaches that item in the migration. If you do this, add a default title to your title field, so it can create the entity without error.