Pin items to an image.
Default text plugin, but you can create custom ones for advanced features.
Pin items to an image.
Default text plugin, but you can create custom ones for advanced features.
Generate a thumbnail from the first page of a PDF.
By default, Media Library shows the thumbnail field of Media types, but Document doesn't have one to show.
Checks for orphaned files on your site.
Similar to File Checker.
Checks files on your system to verify if they still exist in the content.
Similar to Audit Files.
Hide media name field.
Adds an edit button for media library widgets so you can adjust the image without removing and re-adding it.
Enable per field in form display settings.
Blazy is a lazy loading library. It's great for sliders or pages with lots of images.
Here are some issues that are worth tracking:
I have used BG Image Formatter before, but wanted a way to use responsive images. This module requires some developer setup, but can be used to do this.
Create a platform for managing business expenses.
Create a way to upload statement/receipt documents.
Maybe DropzoneJS can be used to upload multiple files at once.
After uploading...