Media Management
Images, Videos, Tweets, etc. Drupal's Media system allows you to upload new files, or link to external resources on the web.
Images, Videos, Tweets, etc. Drupal's Media system allows you to upload new files, or link to external resources on the web.
Drupal has several ways to handle images and media.
Use image alt text as the uploaded file name and title of the media to display in the library.
This forces users to provide alt...
When you first install Drupal, you can configure a text format with ckeditor to use the image button.
With the most basic...
Media in Drupal 7 added fields to files but still handled things in a primitive way compared to what Media does today. Drupal 8...
Issue with refreshing media metadata/thumbnails.
Misconfiguring the oembed field display breaks it.
Editing *.ckeditor5.yml files doesn't reload embedded content.
I think this provides a field that supports both file upload and remote embed.