Stage File Proxy
When you clone your production database to dev, you will be missing files from the latest content. This module will automatically fetch them from the site when the content is accessed.
When you clone your production database to dev, you will be missing files from the latest content. This module will automatically fetch them from the site when the content is accessed.
Input masks add spacing and characters to make info like phone or credit card numbers easier to enter.
Normally entity titles are printed in their template. If you want to configure it via manage display instead you can use this module.
The menu trail determines where the current page is in a menu, and parent links so they can be highlighted to show where you are.
Auto expand textareas.
Adds an edit button for media library widgets so you can adjust the image without removing and re-adding it.
Enable per field in form display settings.
Float status messages to top right and hide after a few seconds.
Define layout configuration options via yaml files instead of writing a plugin.
Improves layout builder UX.